Mutual of Omaha – Texas Medicare Supplement Plans

Mutual Of Omaha

Mutal of Omaha – Texas Medicare Supplement Plans

Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Plans are highly popular in Texas and usually have the lowest rates. They take an attained-age rating approach to pricing their Medicare supplements and have lower rates for non-tobacco users and household discounts.

By law, Medicare Supplement insurance is standardized into twelve plans (Plans A through L). That means Plan F from one company must include the same benefits as plan F from another company. While the benefits must be the same, each company’s rates, reputation, membership features and quality of service can vary. With Mutual of Omaha, you don’t have to sacrifice comprehensive benefits or freedom-of-choice for affordability. Their Medicare Supplement plans provide substantial benefits at rates that can save you money over other plans.

In Texas, Mutual of Omaha offers 4 popular Medicare Supplements –  High-Deductible Plan F, Plan F, Plan G, and Plan N. Plan G is the best value Medicare Supplement plan while Plan F is by far the most popular Medicare Supplement plan in Texas, with over 70% of all Texans enrolling in this plan.

What Medicare Doesn’t Cover

Medicare does not cover all health care costs. Medicare coverage consists of Part A (which covers hospital and skilled nursing facility care), and Part B (which covers doctor bills and other medical expenses).

Even with Medicare Part A and Part B coverage, you’re responsible for some out-of-pocket expenses including:

  • Part A hospital deductible ($1,632​)
  • Part B deductible ($240)
  • Copayments for hospital stays over 60 days
  • Care in a skilled nursing facility after 20 days
  • Twenty percent coinsurance for doctor bills and other medical expenses

Mutual of Omaha Member Benefits

  • Guaranteed Acceptance with no health questions asked during intial enrollment period
  • Freedom to choose any doctors or specialists
  • Coverage with domestic travel (Plans G, F, and N cover foreign travel)
  • Guaranteed renewability regardless of changes in your health
  • Coverage guaranteed to match Medicare’s cost increases year after year
  • No claim forms, in most cases
  • Household discount for spouses

Medicare Supplement Basic Benefits

Basic benefits included in all plans include:

  • Hospitalization – Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits end.
  • Medical Expenses – Part B coinsurance (generally 20% of Medicare-approved expenses), or in the case of hospital outpatient department services under a prospective payment system, applicable copayments.
  • Blood – First three pints of blood each year.

Mutual Of Omaha Texas Medicare Supplement Plans

In Texas, Mutual of Omaha offers 4 popular Medicare Supplements –  High-Deductible Plan F, Plan F, Plan G, and Plan N. Plan G is the most popular Medicare Supplement plan.

Plans A F G N
Basic Benefits
Skilled Nursing Coinsurance
Part A Deductiblea specified amount of money that the insured must pay before an insurance company will pay a claim.
Part B Deductiblea specified amount of money that the insured must pay before an insurance company will pay a claim. X X X
Part B Excess (100%) X
Foreign Travel Emergency


At Home Recovery
Annual Out-of-Pocket MaximumAn out-of-pocket maximum is the most you'll have to pay during a policy period (usually a year) for health care services

Plan F vs Plan G Comparison

Side by side, Plans F and G include the same benefits, except Plan G doesn’t pay the Part B deductible.

Benefit Plan F Plan G
Part A Deductiblea specified amount of money that the insured must pay before an insurance company will pay a claim.

CoinsuranceWhat % you pay after your deductible has been met and before your out of pocket max


Extended Hospital


SNF Care

Hospice Care

Part B Deductiblea specified amount of money that the insured must pay before an insurance company will pay a claim.

CoinsuranceWhat % you pay after your deductible has been met and before your out of pocket max

Excess Benefits

Care Outside The US


Go through the following cost comparison with your clients to see if you can save money. The Plan G annual premium plus the Part B deductible cost could still be less than the annual Plan F premium. And, clients have all the significant Plan F coverage. Think of it as getting all the benefits of Plan F for the Plan G premium plus the Part B deductible.

STEP 1 Quote annual premiums for Plans F and G

    Plan F: $1,612 Plan G:  $1,186

STEP 2  Add the Part B deductible amount to the Plan G premium for the total cost

    • Plan G Premium                                    $1,186

Part B Deductible +                                      $240

        •  (Can change annually)



STEP 3 Determine the annual difference between Plans F and G plus the deductible for the savings

    • Plan F Premium                                       $1,612

Plan G Premium & Part B Deductible  -$1,372

    •  Annual Savings with Plan G


Plan F Benefit Information

Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement Plan F is no longer available to new beneficiaries. No other standardized Medicare Supplement plan offered in Texas offers more complete protection for your uncovered Part B medical expenses than Plan F.

Plan F covers:

  • Your Part A deductible and coinsurance

  • The cost of 365 extra days of hospital care during your lifetime after Medicare coverage ends

  • Your Part B coinsurance and the cost of the first three pints of blood

  • Medicare Part A hospital deductible and copayments

  • Skilled nursing facility copayment

  • Foreign travel emergency care

  • $240 Part B Medicare deductible

  • Part B doctor charges that are in excess of Medicare-approved amounts


Benefit What Plan F Covers

Part A Deductible

You may need this benefit if you have to stay in the hospital. The Part A deductible for 2025 is $1,632. This amount can change every year. You have to pay this deductible for each benefit period.

Plan F covers 100% of the $1,632 deductible.

Part B Deductible

You may want to consider this benefit if you have Medicare Part B. Each year you must pay the Part B deductible (which is $240 in 2025) before Medicare starts to pay its share. If you have this benefit, the Medigap plan would pay this amount each year.

Plan F covers 100% of the $240 deductible.

Part B Coinsurance

Without this benefit, you generally pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for Medicare Part B covered services and supplies (like doctor services and outpatient hospital care). This benefit will help you to reduce your out of pocket after Part B deductible.

Plan F covers 100% of the 20% remainder costs

365 Extra Days of Hospital Stay

After you use all Medicare hospital benefits, you can receive up to 365 more days for hospital stays during your lifetime.

Plan F covers all of the costs for an additional 365 additional hospital days

3 Pints of Blood

The first 3 pints of blood or equal amounts of packed red blood cells per calendar year, unless this blood is replaced.

Plan F covers all of the costs of 3 pints of blood per calendar year

Part B Excess Charges

Under federal law, doctors who don’t accept “assignment ” (take Medicare’s approved amount as payment in full) may charge up to 15% more than the approved amount. You might want to think about this benefit if your doctors don’t accept assignment. You may also want this benefit if you have to stay in the hospital and can’t control whether the doctors you see accept assignment.

Plan F covers 100% of the excess charges

Foreign Travel Emergency

If you travel outside the United States, this benefit could save you money for emergency care.

Plan F covers 80% (after a $250 deductible) to a lifetime maximum benefit of $50,000.

Skilled Nursing Coinsurance

Medicare pays for the first 20 days of a skilled nursing facility. If you need to go to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) after a hospital stay and stay in the SNF longer than 20 days, this benefit begins.

Plan F covers up to $137.50 per day for days 21-100.

Home Health Care

Home Health Care is skilled nursing care and certain other health care services you get in your home for the treatment of an illness or injury.

Plan F covers the 20% remainder not paid by Medicare Part B.

Plan G Benefit Information

Plan G covers:

  • Your $1,632 Part A deductible and coinsurance

  • The cost of 365 extra days of hospital care during your lifetime after Medicare coverage ends

  • Your Part B coinsurance and the cost of the first three pints of blood

  • 80% of Part B physician charges that are in excess of the Medicare-approved amount (By law no physician may charge more than 115% of Medicare-approved amounts).

  • Skilled nursing facility copayment

  • Emergency care for foreign travel

Plan G does NOT cover:

  • Your $240 Medicare Part B deductible


What Plan G Covers

Part A Deductible

You may need this benefit if you have to stay in the hospital. The Part A deductible for 2025 is $1,632. This amount can change every year. You have to pay this deductible for each benefit period.

Plan G covers 100% of the $1,632deductible.

Part B Deductible

You may want to consider this benefit if you have Medicare Part B. Each year you must pay the Part B deductible (which is $240 in 2025) before Medicare starts to pay its share. If you have this benefit, the Medigap plan would pay this amount each year.

Plan G does NOT cover the $240 Part B deductible, you must pay out of pocket.

Part B Coinsurance

Without this benefit, you generally pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for Medicare Part B covered services and supplies (like doctor services and outpatient hospital care). This benefit will help you to reduce your out of pocket after Part B deductible.

Plan G covers 100% of the 20% remainder costs

365 Extra Days of Hospital Stay

After you use all Medicare hospital benefits, you can receive up to 365 more days for hospital stays during your lifetime.

Plan G covers all of the costs for an additional 365 additional hospital days

3 Pints of Blood

The first 3 pints of blood or equal amounts of packed red blood cells per calendar year, unless this blood is replaced.

Plan G covers all of the costs of 3 pints of blood per calendar year

Part B Excess Charges

Under federal law, doctors who don’t accept “assignment ” (take Medicare’s approved amount as payment in full) may charge up to 15% more than the approved amount. You might want to think about this benefit if your doctors don’t accept assignment. You may also want this benefit if you have to stay in the hospital and can’t control whether the doctors you see accept assignment.

Plan G covers 100% of the excess charges

Foreign Travel Emergency

If you travel outside the United States, this benefit could save you money for emergency care.

Plan G covers 80% (after a $250 deductible) to a lifetime maximum benefit of $50,000.

Skilled Nursing Coinsurance

Medicare pays for the first 20 days of a skilled nursing facility. If you need to go to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) after a hospital stay and stay in the SNF longer than 20 days, this benefit begins.

Plan G covers up to $137.50 per day for days 21-100.

Home Health Care

Home Health Care is skilled nursing care and certain other health care services you get in your home for the treatment of an illness or injury.

Plan G covers the 20% remainder not paid by Medicare Part B.

Plan N Benefit Information

Plan N is identical to Plan G except there is a $20 copay for office visits and a $50 copay for emergency room visits. Like Plan G, Plan N does not cover the $240 Medicare Part B deductible.

Plan N covers:

  • Your $1,632 Part A deductible and coinsurance

  • The cost of 365 extra days of hospital care during your lifetime after Medicare coverage ends

  • Your Part B coinsurance and the cost of the first three pints of blood

  • 80% of Part B physician charges that are in excess of the Medicare-approved amount (By law no physician may charge more than 115% of Medicare-approved amounts).

  • Skilled nursing facility copayment

  • Emergency care for foreign travel

Plan N does NOT cover:

  • Your $240 Medicare Part B deductible

Plan N Benefits


What Plan N Covers

Part A Deductible

You may need this benefit if you have to stay in the hospital. The Part A deductible for 2025 is $1,632. This amount can change every year. You have to pay this deductible for each benefit period.

Plan N covers 100% of the $1,632 deductible.

Part A Coinsurance

Medicare requires you to pay your coinsurance on hospital expenses. This benefit generally pays all or part of your coinsurance for hospital stay.

Medicare pays for days 1- 60. Plan N covers:

  • remaining $275 a day for days 61-90

  • remaining $550 a day for days 91-150

Part B Deductible

You may want to consider this benefit if you have Medicare Part B. Each year you must pay the Part B deductible (which is $240 in 2025 before Medicare starts to pay its share. If you have this benefit, the Medigap plan would pay this amount each year.

Plan N does NOT cover the $240 Part B deductible, you must pay out of pocket.

Part B Coinsurance

Without this benefit, you generally pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for Medicare Part B covered services and supplies (like doctor services and outpatient hospital care). This benefit will help you to reduce your out of pocket after Part B deductible.

Plan N covers 100% of the 20% remainder costs after a $20 office visit copay and $50 emergency room copay

365 Extra Days of Hospital Stay

After you use all Medicare hospital benefits, you can receive up to 365 more days for hospital stays during your lifetime.

Plan N covers all of the costs for an additional 365 additional hospital days

3 Pints of Blood

The first 3 pints of blood or equal amounts of packed red blood cells per calendar year, unless this blood is replaced.

Plan N covers all of the costs of 3 pints of blood per calendar year

Part B Excess Charges

Under federal law, doctors who don’t accept “assignment ” (take Medicare’s approved amount as payment in full) may charge up to 15% more than the approved amount. You might want to think about this benefit if your doctors don’t accept assignment. You may also want this benefit if you have to stay in the hospital and can’t control whether the doctors you see accept assignment.

Plan N covers 100% of the excess charges

Foreign Travel Emergency

If you travel outside the United States, this benefit could save you money for emergency care.

Plan N covers 80% (after a $250 deductible) to a lifetime maximum benefit of $50,000.

Skilled Nursing Coinsurance

Medicare pays for the first 20 days of a skilled nursing facility. If you need to go to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) after a hospital stay and stay in the SNF longer than 20 days, this benefit begins.

Plan N covers up to $137.50 per day for days 21-100.

Home Health Care

Home Health Care is skilled nursing care and certain other health care services you get in your home for the treatment of an illness or injury.

Plan N covers the 20% remainder not paid by Medicare Part B.

Plan A Benefit Information

Plan A is the most basic and least expensive Medicare Supplement plan. By federal law, every insurance company must offer Plan A.

Basic Plan A covers:

  • Your Part A coinsurance

  • The cost of 365 extra days of hospital care during your lifetime after Medicare coverage ends

  • Your Part B coinsurance and the cost of the first three pints of blood

Plan A Benefits


What Plan A Covers

Part A Deductible

You may need this benefit if you have to stay in the hospital. The Part A deductible for 2025 is $1,632. This amount can change every year. You have to pay this deductible for each benefit period.

Plan A does not cover the $1,632 deductible

Part A Coinsurance

Medicare requires you to pay your coinsurance on hospital expenses. This benefit generally pays all or part of your coinsurance for hospital stay.

Medicare pays for days 1- 60. Plan A covers:

  • remaining $275 a day for days 61-90

  • remaining $550 a day for days 91-150

Part B Deductible

You may want to consider this benefit if you have Medicare Part B. Each year you must pay the Part B deductible (which is $240 in 2022) before Medicare starts to pay its share. If you have this benefit, the Medigap plan would pay this amount each year.

Plan A does not cover the Medicare Part B $240 deductible

Part B Coinsurance

Without this benefit, you generally pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for Medicare Part B covered services and supplies (like doctor services and outpatient hospital care). This benefit will help you to reduce your out of pocket after Part B deductible.

Plan A covers 20% of the remaining costs after you pay the $240 Part B deductible

365 Extra Days of Hospital Stay

After you use all Medicare hospital benefits, you can receive up to 365 more days for hospital stays during your lifetime.

Plan A covers all of the costs for an additional 365 additional hospital days

3 Pints of Blood

The first 3 pints of blood or equal amounts of packed red blood cells per calendar year, unless this blood is replaced.

Plan A covers 100% of the costs of 3 pints of blood per calendar year

Part B Excess Charges

Under federal law, doctors who don’t accept “assignment” (take Medicare’s approved amount as payment in full) may charge up to 15% more than the approved amount. You might want to think about this benefit if your doctors don’t accept assignment. You may also want this benefit if you have to stay in the hospital and can’t control whether the doctors you see accept assignment.

Plan A does not covers Part B Excess Charges

Hospice Care

Hospice is a special way of caring for people who are terminally ill and for their families. This care includes physical care and counseling. The goal of hospice is to care for you and your family, not to cure your illness.

Plan A does not cover hospice care

Foreign Travel Emergency

If you travel outside the United States, this benefit could save you money for emergency care.

Plan A does not cover foreign travel emergencies

Skilled Nursing Coinsurance

Medicare pays for the first 20 days of a skilled nursing facility. If you need to go to a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) after a hospital stay and stay in the SNF longer than 20 days, this benefit begins.

Plan A does not cover skilled nursing

Home Health Care

Home Health Care is skilled nursing care and certain other health care services you get in your home for the treatment of an illness or injury.

Plan A covers 20% of the remainder after the $240 Medicare Part B deductible.

Out of Pocket Limit

The maximum costs you are responsible for in a calendar year.

There is not out of pocket limit for Basic Plan A


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