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Ambetter Essential Care 1 & Ambetter Essential Care 1 + Vision:

Deductible $6,800
Out of Pocked Max $6,800
Primary Care Provider Visits No charge after deductible
Specialist Office Visits No charge after deductible
Mental Illness and Substance Abuse Treatment No charge after deductible
ER Visit No charge after deductible
Urgent Care – No charge after deductible
In Patient Hospital Care No charge after deductible
Out Patient Surgery No charge after deductible
Out Patient X-Rays and Diagnostic Imaging  No charge after deductible
 Out Patient imaging(CT/PET/MRIs)  No charge after deductible
 Outpatient Prescription Drugs(preferred pharmacy)  $20/ No charge after deductible/No charge after deductible/No charge after deductible
 Outpatient Prescription Drugs(Non Preferred Pharmacy)  Not Covered





What are the benefits of these plans?

High deductible plans will work best for consumers that have little to no regular doctor’s appointments or medications. They will have the lowest premium rates as well as the highest out of pocket costs. This would be best suited for someone in good health that only goes to the doctor for their annual well being visits and or tests.